Types of Hypoallergenic Dogs

November 17, 2021

If allergic reactions are the only thing preventing you from becoming a dog parent, you’re not alone. According to research, pet allergies affect between 10% and 20% of the global population, and these figures are rising. But there is a solution: hypoallergenic dogs. You can comfortably cohabit with these canines even if you have pet allergies. The following article provides all the information you need on this topic, so you can finally welcome a dog into your home.

What Are Hypoallergenic Dogs?

A hypoallergenic dog is a canine that doesn’t trigger a person’s allergies. Strictly scientifically speaking, there are no 100% hypoallergenic dogs, but there are breeds that are substantially less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic?

Dog allergies are most often caused by contact with dander — the dead skin that dogs shed off. These flakes of skin often carry a protein found in the dog’s saliva and urine, which can frequently trigger allergic reactions to dogs upon exposure.

Hypoallergenic dogs are breeds that typically have far less fur or non-shedding coats. These dogs produce significantly less dander, reducing the likelihood of triggering an allergic reaction. So, while dogs aren’t 100% hypoallergenic, there are breeds you can live with in tranquility if you suffer from bad allergies.

Are Hypoallergenic Dogs Completely Allergen-Free?

As mentioned above, a completely allergen-free dog simply doesn’t exist. There are certainly some dogs that don’t shed as much, and some that trigger fewer allergic symptoms, but none that are guaranteed to never cause allergic reactions. This is in part because there isn’t one single cause of pet allergies. While most people may be allergic to dander, some are allergic to the hair itself, while others still may be specifically allergic to dog saliva.

10 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds That Shed Less

Here’s a list of 10 hypoallergenic dog breeds that are known to shed less than most other breeds.

Afghan Hounds

Despite having lush thick coats, Afghan Hounds are surprisingly hypoallergenic. In addition to coats that typically don’t shed a lot, they produce less dander than many other dogs, and they also drool less. These are all qualities that can make Afghan Hounds easier to live with for allergy-sufferers.

American Hairless Terriers

As the name indicates, American Hairless Terriers are not particularly hairy. These nearly hairless canines shed substantially less than the average dog. As a result, there is a major reduction in one of the primary causes of dog allergies.

Portuguese Water Dog

Although Portuguese Water Dogs do shed hair, they’re much easier to manage than most dogs because this breed is very seasonal in its shedding. With that being said, a regular grooming regime — including a monthly Barkbus visit — can seriously diminish the risk they pose to people with allergies!


Poodles have tight curly coats of hair that tend to shed significantly less than most other dog breeds. Once again, this can minimize the potential of allergic reactions for affected individuals.

Bedlington Terriers

Bedlington Terriers have fuzzy soft coats. Importantly, they’re known for producing particularly low amounts of dander with very limited shedding as well. As such, they’re a much safer bet for people who are ordinarily allergic to dogs.


The Labradoodle is the result of cross-breeding between Labradors and Poodles. Their coats are similar to the Poodle, therefore they shed much less than a Labrador. Consequently, living with Labradoodles will likely be easier on your allergies.


The Affenpinscher — also known as a Monkey Terrier — has relatively short and wiry hair. Their coats typically aren’t associated with triggering allergic reactions as much as many other dog breeds.


Basenjis are South African hunting dogs. Thanks to an extremely short coat, they are a great option for people with pet allergies. Basenjis hardly shed at all and require very little grooming. In addition to this, they don’t salivate excessively, which reduces another cause of allergic reactions.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is another popular breed among people who suffer allergies because of its virtual lack of hair. These unique looking dogs also shed very little, making them a coveted option for people with dog allergies.

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniels are among the largest hypoallergenic dogs. Their short, curled coats are more friendly to allergy-sufferers. While they do shed sometimes, it only occurs seasonally, meaning you can easily manage it with a regular mobile dog grooming appointment.

5 Types of Hypoallergenic Guard Dogs

“What are the best hypoallergenic guard dogs?” is a question we often hear from people with pet allergies. If this is you too, we’ve put together a list of the top five for your benefit below.


The Puli is a Hungarian breed traditionally used as a guard dog or livestock herder. Their coat grows in tight curls that look similar to dreadlocks. This dog breed experiences almost no shedding whatsoever. As a result, they are a great choice if you’re looking for a hypoallergenic guard dog.

Irish Terriers

Irish Terriers are extremely observant and protective dogs. They assertively bark at anyone or anything approaching their territory, making them ideal guard dogs. Additionally, they shed very little and produce low amounts of dander, meaning they are far less likely to trigger allergies than most breeds.


Komondors are another type of Hungarian dog that have been bred to be good guard dogs. They’ve been protecting livestock for hundreds of years. As large, muscular dogs, they effectively deter potential threats. 

They only experience substantial shedding as puppies, which comes to a near standstill as adults. It’s one of the main reasons why their coats are considered to be hypoallergenic!

Bouvier des Flandres

Bouvier des Flandres are Belgian dogs that are commonly used as guard dogs and police dogs. Their strong physique and watchful nature make them a perfect dog to protect your home. What’s more, they only shed very lightly, and so don’t trigger allergic reactions as much as many other breeds.

Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier is the largest of the terrier breeds. In its native home of England, it has been employed as a police dog, guard dog, and as a military service animal. Both its size and its alert disposition make for a formidable guardian presence. The wiry and short coat barely sheds at all, meaning Airedale Terriers are far less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

If you’ve always wanted a little pooch but suffer from pet allergies, the three small hypoallergenic dogs below could be perfect for you!

cute toy poodle on bed

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are the smallest of the Schnauzer breeds. Their low-shedding coat is generally easier on allergies compared to other breeds. As the name suggests, Miniature Schnauzers are diminutive canines, growing to around 12 to 14 inches tall. They’re friendly and ideal for family life!

Miniature Schnauzers often get along easily with other dogs and people alike. Their size makes them well suited to dog parents with smaller living spaces. That said, these pups are also very active and love going on long walks.

Toy Poodles

As small dogs that don’t shed, Toy Poodles typically don’t provoke allergic reactions as much as most other breeds. They grow to between 10 and 15 inches in size and have curly coats. These little pooches are full of energy so be ready to play often. They’re also among some of the smarter dog breeds out there.

West Highland Terriers

Standing at an average of just 10 to 11 inches tall, West Highland Terriers are dwarfed by most breeds. They also have the low-allergen wiry coat that’s common to all terriers. As a result, they’re far less likely to trigger allergies. Initially bred to hunt rodents, these non-shedding dogs are surprisingly assertive, energetic, and athletic.

Medium Sized Hypoallergenic Dogs

Searching for a medium sized hypoallergenic dog? Here are three great options to explore further.

peruvian inca orchid on a leash

Bedlington Terriers

Bedlington Terriers are charming and warm natured dogs that grow to around 15 to 18 inches. They’re a non-shedding breed that doesn’t normally stimulate allergies. Fleet of foot, these pups are capable of running at astonishing speeds when motivated. Their friendly demeanor also makes them the perfect pet for parents with young children.

Peruvian Inca Orchids

The Peruvian Inca Orchid can be coated or hairless, growing about 15 to 19 inches tall. People with dog allergies are far less likely to experience reactions to the hairless breed. As their name indicates, they were bred in Peru as sighthounds, making them keen hunters with excellent eyesight. They are also loyal, affectionate dogs that will instinctively guard your home.

Tibetan Terrier

Despite their name, Tibetan Terriers are not actually members of the terrier family. They were given this name as a result of their similar look. They are indeed from Tibet, where they have long served as guard dogs and companions in Buddhist monasteries. They shed hair very slowly, which presents less of a threat to people with allergies. Standing at a height typically ranging between 14 to 17 inches, these loyal, affectionate dogs are perfect for people looking for medium size dogs that don’t shed.

Big Hypoallergenic Dogs

Looking for a big hypoallergenic dog that’s less likely to trigger your pet allergies? Start with the three breeds below.

giant schauzer sitting outdoors

Giant Schnauzer

Growing as tall as 27 inches in height, the Giant Schnauzer is a towering canine. Originating from Germany in the 17th century, the Giant Schnauzer’s wiry coat only sheds lightly. They’re also highly intelligent breeds that are known to establish deep bonds with their human companions.


Samoyeds are large but graceful dogs that can reach up to 23 inches in height. While they do shed seasonally, their coats don’t stimulate allergic reactions as much as many other breeds. Even so, some occasional grooming will enable you to enjoy living alongside these dogs without setting off your allergies.

Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier reaches around 23 inches in height and is considered among breeds of dogs that shed the least. This clever, friendly breed makes for the ideal family companion thanks to its wiry hair that’s very kind on allergies. They originate from the valley of the River Aire in Yorkshire, England — hence the name. Bred to hunt and work on farms, Airedale Terriers are stocky, energetic dogs. If you have an active outdoor lifestyle, they’re a great addition to the family.

Which Hypoallergenic Pup is Right For You?

Once you find the perfect furry companion that suits your individual lifestyle, you can trust the pet stylists at Barkbus to keep your pup’s coat looking fresh and clean. 


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